Forgot password?

For better shopping experience, we are currently going through Membership System upgrades on our website.
Please go to city’super HK App or LOG-ON E-Shop App to proceed the password reset. You may also download the App by scanning the QR code or on the App Store.
Kindly bear with us as we are doing these important upgrades to ensure system safety and security.
We apologize in advance for any inconvenience this may cause you. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
How to reset the password on App?

Go to "Profile" and click "Login"

Click "Forgot password?"

Enter the email address

Check your email box and find the one-time password

Enter the one-time password

Temporary password message will pop up

Check your email box again and receive the temporary password to login
Need help?
You may contact us if you need further assistance on the forgot password settings.
Tel: 852-2429-8588E-mail:
Service Hours: 10:00am - 6:00pm (Mon - Fri, except public holidays)