LOG-ON APP Account Delection
Account Deletion
How to delete your account on App?
Tap the 'Account" button.
Tap "More" button.
Tap the “Terminate membership” button.
Tap the “Read & Next” button after reading and agreed to the Terms and conditions.
Press the “Read & Next” button after reading and agreed to the Terms and conditions.
*Once the application for membership termination is submitted, this super e membership will be terminated with immediate effect. Any loyalty points, eCoupons and stored value previously accumulated in the membership will be forfeited at the same time. Please see the super e Membership Program Privacy Police.
Need help?
You may contact us if you need further assistance on the forgot password settings.
Tel: 852-2429-8588E-mail: online@citysuper.com
Service Hours: 10:00am - 6:00pm (Mon - Fri, except public holidays)