PARNELL Parnell 美肌控油氣墊 (10g)
*Discount product(s) cannot be refunded or returned after the order is placed
Store Pickup Available
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- Two working days required for delivery
Two working days required for store pick up
- "Absorb excess oil and create oil-water balance
-Added exclusive ingredient "Glacial Protection Factor" 49%
-Skin low irritation test completed - - Tips for use
Tips 1: Use before makeup to keep your face shiny
Use it before applying the air mattress to reduce facial oil production and achieve the best results.
Sequence: Pre-makeup care ⇨ Oil control air cushion ⇨ Air cushion/foundation - Tips 2: Quickly control oil when touching up makeup
If you get oily in the afternoon, just apply a small amount
Gently pat the oil-out part to take away the oil."
*Photo for reference only.